170 từ đồng nghĩa của Walk rất hay bạn ơi

Bạn xem thêm các bài viết hữu ích khác:

Ý nghĩa của Walk: Để vận chuyển bản thân từ điểm này đến điểm tiếp theo bằng cách sử dụng chân của họ.

“I walk in the park every morning and it’s the first thing I do. It’s a really peaceful and enjoyable thing to do.”
“Tôi đi bộ trong công viên mỗi sáng và đó là điều đầu tiên tôi làm. Đó là một điều thực sự yên bình và thú vị để làm. ”
“You should take a walk every morning. It helps start the day well, in my opinion.”
“Bạn nên đi dạo vào mỗi buổi sáng. Nó giúp khởi đầu ngày mới tốt đẹp, theo ý kiến ​​của tôi. ”
“You can’t just walk away from a marriage at the first sign of a problem.”
“Bạn không thể bỏ cuộc hôn nhân khi có dấu hiệu đầu tiên của một vấn đề.”
170 từ đồng nghĩa của Walk

Từ đồng nghĩa được sử dụng rộng rãi cho từ "Walk".

Pace Ambulate Cruise
Mince Ascend Cycle
Stride Back Dally
Pad Blow Date
Stumble Borrow Dawdle
Wander Bottom Deliver
Hike Bounce Depart
Saunter Bring Desert
March Canter Down
Hobble Career Drag
Parade Carry Drift
Sashay Change Drive
Sleepwalk Circle Drop
Wade Circuit Enter
Amble Circulate Escape
Limp Climb Escort
Swagger Come Exercise
Lumber Conduct Exit
Shuffle Continue Fall
Waddle Course File
Meander Cover Flip
Foot Crawl Flounce
Foot it Creep Flow
Function Cross Fly
Get going Lead Follow
Get off Leave Promenade
Glide Leg Quit
Go Leg it Race
Go down Lend Ramble
Go on foot Limp Range
Go up Lumber Release
Going Lurch Return
Happen March Ride
Hasten Meander Roam
Hie Migrate Roll
Hike Move Round
Hoof Move around Route
Hoof it Next Rove
Hurry Operate Rule
Jaunt Pace Run
Join Pad Sail
Jump Parade Sashay
Junket Pass Saunter
Stalk Pass over Scramble
Stamp Pass through Scuff
Start Patrol Shamble
Step Perambulate Show
Stir Peregrinate Shuffle
Straddle Play Spin
Stray Prance Stagger
Stride Previous Tour
Stroll Proceed Track
Strut Progress Trail
Stump Usher Traipse
Support Vagabond Tramp
Surpass Visit Transfer
Swagger Voyage Travel
Swan Waddle Travel around
Swing Walk about Travel on foot
Switch Walk around Travel over
Take a walk Wander Traverse
Toddle Wend Tread
Totter Withdraw Trek
Turn Trudge Trip

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từ đồng nghĩa với Walk ví dụ và ý nghĩa

Meaning: To walk impatiently
For example: People were strolling along the beach.
Meaning: To walk slowly without a particular aim or destination
For example: They meandered around the old town admiring the architecture.
Meaning: To walk with quick short steps, in a way that is not natural
For example: I was pacing back and forth, waiting for the results of my exam.
Meaning: To walk with short steps while moving from side to side like a duck
For example: A short plump man came waddling towards me.
Meaning: To walk with long steps in a particular direction
For example: We strode across the snowy fields.
Meaning: To walk slowly without lifting your feet completely off the ground.
For example: He shuffled across the room to the window.
Meaning: To walk with quiet steps
For example: She padded across the room to the window.
Meaning: To move in a slow, heavy way
For example: The huge convoy of trucks lumbered out of the city.
Meaning: To walk or move in an unsteady way
For example: We were stumbling around in the dark looking for a candle.
Meaning: To walk in a very proud, confident (and sometimes arrogant) way
For example: He swaggered into the room looking very pleased with himself.
Meaning: To walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction
For example: She wandered aimlessly around the streets.
Meaning: To walk slowly or with difficulty because one leg is injured
For example: She had twisted her ankle and was limping.
Meaning: To go for a long walk in the country, especially for pleasure
For example: We’re planning to hike across the Brecon Beacons.
Meaning: To walk a slow and relaxed way
For example: We ambled down to the beach.
Meaning: To walk in a slow relaxed way
For example: He sauntered by, looking as if he had all the time in the world.
Meaning: To walk with an effort through something, especially water or mud
For example: We waded across the stream.
Meaning: To walk with stiff regular steps like a soldier
For example: They marched 20 miles to reach the capital.
Meaning: To walk around while you are asleep
For example: He once sleepwalked to the middle of the road outside his home at 1 a.m.
Meaning: To walk with difficulty, especially because your feet or legs hurt
For example: The old man hobbled across the road.
Meaning: To walk in a very confident but relaxed way, especially in order to be noticed
For example: I watched her as she sashayed across the room.
Meaning: To walk around in a way that makes other people notice you
For example: People were parading up and down showing off their finest clothes.

Các ví dụ thú vị hơn với từ “walk”

” I heard someone walk down the stairway.”
"Tôi nghe thấy ai đó bước xuống cầu thang."
“A wide promenade allows many people to walk at the same time.”
“Một lối đi dạo rộng cho phép nhiều người đi bộ cùng một lúc.”
“Mother wants to come downstairs, but is too weak to walk; it’ll take both of you to bring her down.”
“Mẹ muốn xuống cầu thang, nhưng đi lại quá yếu; Cả hai người đều phải hạ gục cô ấy. "
“Leon’s dog was sitting by the door whining, so I thought I’d better take it for a walk.”
“Con chó của Leon đang ngồi rên rỉ bên cửa, vì vậy tôi nghĩ tốt hơn là nên dắt nó đi dạo.”
“My shoes were so tight that I could hardly walk.”
“Đôi giày của tôi chật đến nỗi tôi khó đi được.”
“The path is too narrow for two people to walk together.”
"Con đường quá hẹp để hai người có thể đi cùng nhau."
“Let’ s go for a walk instead of playing video games.”
“Hãy đi dạo thay vì chơi trò chơi điện tử.”
“He was ruddy-cheeked from the walk in the cold.”
"Anh ấy có đôi má hồng hào sau khi đi bộ trong giá lạnh."
“Overflowing of I, walk in the overflowing looking for love road.”
“Tràn ngập em, bước đi trong tràn tìm kiếm con đường tình yêu.”
“A viral illness left her barely able to walk.”
"Một căn bệnh do vi-rút khiến cô ấy hầu như không thể đi lại."
“If you are good I shall perhaps take you for a walk this afternoon.”
"Nếu bạn tốt, tôi có lẽ sẽ đưa bạn đi dạo chiều nay."
“She missed the bus and had to walk home.”
"Cô ấy bị lỡ xe buýt và phải đi bộ về nhà."
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