Dạng bị động của động từ khuyết thiếu

Bạn xem thêm các bài viết hữu ích khác:

Dạng bị động của động từ khuyết thiếu với những cấu trúc ngữ pháp, ví dụ từng trường hợp cụ thể giúp bạn nhanh chóng hiểu được bài viết.

1.Somebody can/ may/ must/ ought to/ should/ have to + do something >> something can/ may/ musư ought to/ should/ have to + be + done


She can speak English fluently.

English can be spoken fluently.

(Câ ẩy có thể nói tiếng Anh trôi chảy >> Tiếng Anh có thể được nói trôi chảy.)

2.Somebody + want/ like/ expect + someone to do something

Somebody + want/ like/ expect + something + to be done


They expected me to finish my work early >> They expected my work to be finished early.

 (Họ mong tôi hoàn thành công việc sớm >>Họ mong công việc của tôi sẽ hoàn thành sớm.)

3.Somebody + agree/ arrange/ determind/ decide + to do something >> Somebody + agree/ arrange/ determind/ decide + that something + should be + done

Ex:    She decided to rebuild the house >> She decided that the house should be rebuilt.

(Cô quyết định xây dựng lại ngôi nhà >>Cô ấy quyết định rằng ngôi nhà cần được xảy dựng lại.)

4.They/ it + need(s) + doing >> they/ it + need(s) + to be done


The pigs need feeding >> The pigs need to be fed.

(Lợn cản được ăn >> Lợn cân được cho ăn.)

5.Somebody + think/ expect/ believe/ estimate/ say/ report + that + someone + do something

 Cách 1: It is thought/ expected/ believed/ estimated/ said/ reported that someone + do something

Cách 2: Someone is thought/ expected/ believed/ estimated/ said/ reported to do something


People think he is a good teacher >> It is thought that he is a good teacher >>He is thought to be a good teacher.

(Mọi người nghĩ rằng ông là một giáo viên giỏi >>Người ta nghĩ răng ông là một giáo viên giỏi. —> Ông được cho là một giáo viên giỏi.)

6.Somebody + think/ expect/ believe/ estimate/ say/ report + that + someone + did something

 Cách 1: It is thought/ expected/ believed/ estimated/ said/ reported that someone + did something

Cách 2: Someone is thought/ expected/ believed/ estimated/ said/ reported to have + done something

Ex:    People say he was a athlete >> It’s said that he was a athlete >> He is said to have been a athlete.

(Mọi người nói ông là một vận động viên >>Người ta nói rằng ông là một vận động viên >>  Ông ta được cho là một vận động viên.

7.It’s your duty to do something >> You are supposed to do something (nhiệm vụ của bạn là...)

Dạng bị động của động từ khuyết thiếu


It’s your duty to lock all the doors >> You are supposed to lock all the doors.

(Nhiệm vụ của hạn là khỏa tất cả các cánh cửa. —> Bạn phải khỏa tất cả các cánh cửa.)

8.Somebody + see/ make/ let + someone + do + something

>> Someone is seen/ made + to do something >>Someone is let + do something


- He made me stay outside yesterday >> I was made to stay outside yesterday.

(Anh ay khiến tôi ở hên ngoài hôm qua—> Tôi đã bị cho ở bên ngoài ngày hôm qua.)

- The teacher let US go home early last week—> We were let go home early last week.

(Giảo viên cho chúng tôi vê nhà sớm vào đàu tuần trước >>Chủng tôi đã được về nhà sớm vào đầu tuần trước.)

9.Somebody + have + someone + do something

Somebody + get + someone + to do something —> Somebody + have + something + done


- He had his waiter carry the luggage home —> He had the luggage carried home by the waiter. (Anh ta đà được người bôi bàn mang hành lý vê nhà.

—> Anh ta cỏ hành lỉ mang về nhà bởi người bôi bàn.)

- I got the postman to post the letter for me —> I had the letter posted for me by the postman.

(Tôi đã nhận thư từ người đưa thư gửi cho tôi.—> Tôi đã nhận thư gửi cho tôi bởi người đưa thư.)

10.Don’t do something —> something mustn’t be done It’s impossible to do something —> something can’t be done

It’s possible to do something -> something can be done


- Don’t touch this switch >> This switch mustn’t be touched.

(Không chạm vào công tác này >> Công tắc này cam chạm vào.)

- It is impossible to do this. >>This can’t be done.

(Không the làm điều này >> Điêu này không thực hiện được.)

Để làm bài tập tốt nhất bạn nên xem lại bài học: Câu bị động (Passive Voice)

các dấu hiệu nhận biết

Bài tập các dạng bị động của động từ khuyết thiếu:

1. Chuvên các câu sau sang câu bị động.
1. Nick will not repair the bicycle.
2. Peter collects money.
3. Could you feed the cat?
4. Susan opened the window. .
5. I will ask a question.
6. She can cut out the picture.
7. The sheep ate a lot of foods.
8. We have done our homework.
9. We do not clean our rooms.
10. Did Miley draw this circle?
2. Hoàn thành các câu sau chia động từ ở bị động hoặc chủ động.
1. She (take) her medicine every day.
2. In summer, more ice-creams (eat) than in
3.1 (sell) car.
4. He (call) her grandparents every Sunday.
5. She (work/ not) for a bank.
6. The letters (type)
7. Laura (take/ not) to school by her father.
8. The black car (sell)
9. We (go) to school by bus.
10. Milk (keep) in the refrigerator.
3. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất trong các đáp án A, B, c, hoặc D
1. He said he a busy day.
A. had had B. have had
c. did have D. has had
2. The supervisor apologized
. A. for be late B. for being late
c. on being late D. on be late
3. They invited me the weekend with
A. spends B.spend
c. to spend D.spending
4.1 warned Jim playing with the snakes.
A. for B. in
c. of D. against
5. The father told his son his time
games all day.
A. not to waste/ play B. not to waste/ playing c. not waste/ play D. not waste/ playing
6. She advised him harder.
A. to study B. to studying
c. study D. studying
7. My mother asked me the window.
A. open B. opening
c. to opening D. to open
8. The flight attendant reminded the man that
smoking there.
A. was not allowed B. is not allowed c. not to allow D. not allow 
9. Isak congratulated me on exam.
A. to pass B. to passing
c. passing D. passed
10. Mary refused me any more money.
A. to lend B. to lending
c. lend D. lending
4. Chọn câu có ý nghĩa gần nhất vói ý nghĩa ban đầu.
1. People speak English everywhere.
A. English was spoken everywhere.
B. English was speak.
c. English is spoken everywhere.
D. English is speaks everywhere.
2. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview.
A. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview.
B. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview by them.
c. A lot of questions will be asked you at the interview.
D. A lot of questions will be asked at the interview.
3. They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.
A. The meeting because of illness had to be postponed.
B. The meeting had to because of illness be postponed.
c. The meeting had to postponed because of illness.
D. The meeting had to be postponed because of illness 
4. They cancelled all flights because of fog.
A. All flights were because of fog were cancelled.
B. All flight were cancelled because of fog. c. All flight were because of fog cancelled.
D. All flights were cancelled by them of fog.
5. They are building a new highway around the city.
A. A new highway around the city is being built.
B. A new highway are being built around the city by them.
c. A new highway is being built around the city. D. Around the city a new highway is being built.
6. They have built a new hospital near the airport.
A. A new hospital near the airport has been build.
B. A new hospital have been built near the airport by them.
c. A new hospital has been built near the airport. D. Near the airport a new hospital has been.
7. My father gives me a new shirt.
A. A new shirt is given to me by my father .
B. A new shirt is give me by my father, c. A new shirt is given by me my father.
D. A new shirt are given me by my father.
8. A new hat is bought by Lan.
A. Lan buys a new hat.
* B. Lan buy a hat new. c. Lan bought a new hat.
D. Lan is bought a new hat.
5. Chuyển các câu sau thành câu bị động.
1. Did Mary buy this beautiful dress?
2. When did your father buy a new computer?
3.1 had my assistant type the report.
4.1 will have my lawyer look into it.
5. Peter got a technician to repair his television.
6. The manager made all the employees work over the night at the weekend.
7. She lets her son play computer game on Sunday afternoon.
8. I wanted them to tell the story again.
9. They saw the man running away.
10. David broke the windows yesterday, didn’t he?
11. Marry put the vase of flowers on the table yesterday, didn’t she?
12. It is impossible to mix these two components.
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